About PDD

 Thank you for stopping by! 




Hello, my name is Leslie. Let me briefly introduce myself and tell you how and why Personality Deep Dives was founded.


I am a cherished wife and blessed mother of six incredible adult children.  After my fulfilling second career as a Home Educator for twenty-five-plus years, I was faced with the reality that after two decades of teaching and mentoring, I only had a few years left before I would be fully retired from this career.  So, during those final years, I spent many hours in prayer, researching, studying, and training, and even earned a few certifications along the way.



Today, I’m now using my God-ordained charisms, the skills I’ve mastered, the different modalities I’ve learned, and the few certifications I’ve earned, to equip married couples and families.



I help adults diagnose their own God-given designs and maximize their God-ordained potential so they can reach Sainthood while still here on earth.



I accompany people until they are proficient in carrying out specific conflict resolution and communication skills. When implemented on a daily basis these practices have proven time and time again to rekindle and even save broken marriages and reunite disengaged family relationships. 



My ultimate goal while working with married couples and families will be to reestablish intimacy and deeper connectivity in their relationships with God, self, and others. 






  “It is foolish to think that we will enter heaven without entering into ourselves.” 

- St. Teresa of Avila.


What I keep finding over and over again when I'm working with people is that most of them make the mistake of only wanting to focus on what or who is outside of them to improve their relationships and life circumstances.  


The first expectation in order for us to work together is you need to be coachable!


In marriages, typically each spouse has forgotten about the plank in their own eye and is quick to blame and point out the splinter in their spouse's eye (Matthew 7: 3-5). In families, it is not uncommon to find that parent is quick to reactively discipline their children because they have unclear expectations that have not been met. In disengaged families, the siblings have built alliances and are unfamiliar with how to have friendships. To be coachable often means individuals have a lot of undoing and redoing work.


The next expectation in order for us to work together is you need to be willing to become a student of your own interior life.


Truthfully the only way for a person to begin transforming their personality and improving their relationships is to begin with some inner housekeeping on themselves





If you are open and ready to dive deeper into your God-given personality and be coached through a variety of inner housekeeping practices here is a brief overview of what you can expect while working with me…


First, there needs to be a starting point, so we will utilize a variety of proven and reliable assessments, frameworks, and tools to help you become aware of how God hardwired you.  You will diagnose your own personality attributes, challenges, motivations, innate preferences, and dispositions.


Next, you will inventory the impact of your childhood nurturing and neglect. First from your family of origin, then throughout your adulting years in the world. You will become aware of the effects these have on the maturation of your personality. 


Then, if necessary, you will participate in inner healing prayer encounter sessions with our Holy Trinity to heal from any hidden wounds, false beliefs, lies, type A traumas, predominant faults, and habitual imperfections.


 After which you will be coached on how to become a student of your own interior thoughts, emotions, and actions through a guided journaling process.


You will establish goals to meet innate needs and daily practices to help you grow closer to God. Only then will you truly find clarity in hearing and obeying God's voice in your life.  


This is the stage when the obstacles in your personality begin transforming into bridges for others, and you will experience incredible fruits such as fully surrendering your innate self to the supernatural life of grace.  


For me, this is where the supernatural beauty and awe-inspiring miracles really happen!  It is such a privilege to witness.


Finally, you will learn how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to uncover the charisms God has specifically given you during baptism so that with maturity you can go out and proclaim the good news to help others reach Sainthood.





As a human Formation and Relationships Enthusiast, my training is grounded in Catholic anthropology, St. Pope John Paul II's personalism, and neurotheology.  


Through various inner housekeeping practices and tools, individuals automatically learn the art of listening and understanding.


Individuals become equipped to lead in their own God-given design, while serving others, who innately think, feel, and want different things than themselves.  


As individuals start becoming more aware and accepting of their own unique abilities, natural talents, personality preferences, innate dispositions, strengths and challenges, and charismatic gifts, they can’t help but appreciate and acknowledge all the intricate and very different ways God uniquely designed other people.  


A person's unique God-given design was created to complement others, not to change, blame, judge, or condemn them. That includes your spouses, children, grandchildren, in-laws, friends, coworkers, etc. 


Other people don't do things differently than you, to intentionally irritate you, they do them because that is how God hardwired them!!!  Learn what that means for you and those you love most in your life! 


According to St. Pope John Paul II in one of his final written works, Pastores Dabo Vobis, he spoke on the lack of human formation. He mentions how this pillar is the foundation for the other three pillars of formation in a priest's education. Yet it is the weakest and most underdeveloped in the Catholic Church today. 


As an eyewitness to this phenomenon in the Catholic homeschooling community, I believe it is how and why God led me to create Personality Deep Dives It is within the family of origin that a priest's human formation is initially nurtured and should be built on a foundation of rock, not sand... long before he enters the seminar. 




Personality Deep Dives offers a variety of coaching programs to help individuals transform their interior life and improve their intrapersonal and interpersonal skills so they can have healthier relationships with God, self, spouse, children, and other family members.

As a Facilitator, Adviser, Coach, and Educator, people are introduced to a proprietary blend of reliable, proven, systems, frameworks, and resources that equip individuals to build relationships, intimacy, and connectivity with God, self, and others on a solid Catholic and Christian foundation.    


Most of the tools and modalities taught and used here at PDD are not commonly known or used in marriages and families todayIn my humble opinion, I believe this is one reason why we have so many disengaged and enmeshed families and a ridiculous number of preventable addictions in today's culture. 


Here at Personality Deep Dives, we accompany married couples, parents, and families while they rebuild those pillars of human formation and strengthen their relationships. 


The various programs offered at Personality Deep Dives have been carefully created and added to equip and empower people to F.A.C.E. the realities of their true identity of who God created them to be in their own unique design

They will learn how to diagnose their innate needs, motivations, and values and create measurable goals to have those met.  

They will acquire the necessary knowledge to have a clearer awareness of themselves and others. 

They will learn how to accept their differences and complementarities and gain assurance in their contributions, challenges, and the truths of who God designed them to be while preserving in asceticism

They will master approachability, and foster altruism in all their relationships. 

These are powerful ways they can abide by God's Will in their everyday life and with certainity follow God's two great commandments “… to love God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.”





Here is some general feedback I’ve heard over the years... 

πŸ‘‰The number one general feedback I hear is how people’s intimacy with God and or their family, friends, and bosses has improved greatly. 

πŸ‘‰Widows have said they were able to figure out what God wanted them to do next now that their spouse is no longer alive. 

πŸ‘‰Married couples have reported that their neglected marriages are now rekindled and going strong.  

πŸ‘‰Grandparents have told me they’ve learned how to respectfully reconnect with their adult children. 

πŸ‘‰ One of my favorite testimonies was from a group of teens who reported feeling “purpose and fulfillment after learning who God designed them to be.”



Contact me today to schedule your 30-minute free discovery call. 


when I am not facilitating, advising, coaching, or educating by leading workshops, group studies, teaching high school prep classes... You can find me either loving on my two adorable grandchildren, penning my encounter stories with the Holy Trinity at Midlife Realignment (a charism in progress), or spending fun, relaxing, quality time with my 90lb English Labrador aka the most loved and adored lapdog…

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